
Here's the definition of "semiautonomous," directly from a collegiate dictionary.

One entry found for semiautonomous.
Main Entry: semi·au·ton·o·mous
Pronunciation: -o-'tä-na-mas
Function: adjective
Date: 1915
: largely self-governing within a larger political or organizational entity

This best describes the level of autonomy granted to Basque Country. It is not autonomy which includes the right to self determination. The fact that Basque Country has their own seat of government does not change this position. Their position is lessened by the fact that the Madrid government still makes the final decisions for the entire nation.

The Basques want autonomy. Of course this would not relieve them of the tax burdens of the Madrid government, and would not excuse them from acts that are in violation of Spanish law, as applied to all people, or mean that they would not be subject to commonalities of self discipline that would apply to all Spaniards, and their elected governments.

The position of the Basques, at this juncture, more resembles the semiautonomous state of Palestine, and it's relationship with Israel. That's the closest comparison that I know of existing.

The Madrid government, if they granted autonomy to Basque Country, would have to maintain several points of control. This is what must be negotiated if there is to be a settlement of the issues.
