Very interesting point of view Wolf but I have got this impression of what you have sayed:

1st) The Basque Country was forced somewhen and is forced now to be a part of Spain.

2nd) The way basques have chosen to reach independency is the violent one, and that the only way to reach it is that one.

If this is not what you mean correct me, but if it is, let me say a couple of things.

The Basque Country has never been conquered, investigate it and you will find that it was a part of the castilian kingdom from the very beginning.

The Basque Country is not forced to be a part of Spain by now. There are only a 10-15% of the basques who want to be a separate country. ETA doesn't represent the majority of the basque society.

Also, let me remember you that some countries have find their independentism by peaceful ways (let's see for example the Czeck Republic and Slovaquia). And think that there are political basque parties that pursue independentism and are against ETA.

I really don't care if the Basque Country is a separate nation or country. What I care of is that a group of criminals kill people in the name of independentism. It is annoying to have bomb blasts near your house as I have had. frown