I thought I was done here, but apparently I'm a racist nationalist who's been "sucked in by ETA's propaganda confused". Since I (sadly) do not agree with that brash assumption, I will again (as done the last time this thread opened) clarify the myth from the meat.

What's happened here has happened every other time this topic has been uncorked: Someone (in this case me) has presented the uncommon viewpoint, not because I espouse it, but because it is there, and that someone (me) is automatically labeled and placed in the same bin as those terrorists who kill and maim.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but in no place on this thread have I ever stated an advocacy of violence, any support of ETA, or links to any propaganda. I believe I've only stated that I understand why they do what they do. If you choose to define that reason as simple "hate", you may not be that far off. I choose to feel that, since I'm not a chronic hater, it runs just a tad bit deeper than that. If understanding BOTH sides of the coin makes me a "nationalistic racist terrorist" then I suggest you meet with Merriam Webster and discuss your definition with him.

The main difference, for example, between a midwestern American and a southern American is nothing more than whether or not one chooses to say "y'all". Sure those in Arkansas may prefer rocky mountain oysters and okra to lutefisk and lefse... Comparing the apple of the USA to the orange of Spain is a risky proposition. Where (supposedly) the US was founded on inclusion and tolerance (don't say that to the Cherokee), the modern notion of "Spain" (c. 1460+) was based on isolationism and Catholic xenophobia. Ask the Muslims and Jews who were expelled eight months prior to Columbus "discovering" America where the financing for such a voyage came from? I believe the term "convert or get out" is appropriate when dealing with "Siglo de Oro" Spanish history...

So to liken the move from the north to the sunbelt in the US to populating state-run steel mills with people from an entirely different ethnic group for the purpose of watering down the resident ethinicity (Hello, Caudillo...) is entirely different.

Please remember, this is a VIEWPOINT (based mostly on recorded historical fact...but a viewpoint nonetheless), and should be treated as such.

I believe I owe an explanation and apology to Fernando, as my recent posts have been laden in sarcasm. I know after living in various regions of Spain at length, that sarcasm is the least-understood method of American humor. I appreciate your willingness to post on such a controversial issue. While knowing you would never begin to see things as I do (not my intention, anyway), I do hope that you would simply accept that not everyone feels as you do, and that differing viewpoints make for interesting talk over tapas.

Caminante, with all due respect, I've neither been sucked into nor espouse what you seem to think I espouse. I simply enjoy a good debate taken from multiple angles.

If you need me I'll be reading from Don Sabino and making a bomb in my basement, all while clad in my ikurriña undershorts and speaking batua. :p
Ongi etorri!