My ladyfriend and I had some difficulty finding lodgings in Santiago de Compostela last Semana Santa. We used a travel agent in the neighborhood but the agent tried about a dozen hotels before finding Hespería Compostela and actually got a good price!

For Sevilla, try a search using the keyword HOSTAL +SEVILLA and you should find lists of them. Also, as CathyM says, START RESERVING NOW. You may even have to TELEPHONE some of those which don't have websites. This is always kind of ...unsettling, at least for me, because you have NO idea what you're going to get.

HERE\'S a pretty complete list (I think) of hostels, pensiones, and youth-hostels in Sevilla which have websites.

When my ladyfriend and I went to Sevilla for Semana Santa in 1998 we slept in the nearby town of Alcalá de Guadaira and took a bus (20 minutes maybe) into Sevilla each day.

But yes, BOOK NOW!! MANY MANY Spaniards are traveling during this holiday. Oh, and here's a word to the wise, DO NOT TRY to enter any of Spain's larger cities on Easter Sunday. You'll be stuck in traffic jams for hours as everyone returns home at the same time.

Saludos, MadridMan
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