i know americans are known for looking really casual. i was recently living in slovenia, by the italian border (trieste). and a slovenian girl was asking me why americans are so casual.

you see, slovenians often think they must emulate italians to be western.

i told her americans who show up in trieste are on vacation for one thing. the other thing is americans dont culturally (generally speaking) need to show wealth and status as much as europeans. this is probably most true with the middle classes. but americans dress down on vacation.

as far as spain goes, why does ever guy under 25 feel some cultural *need* to wear a tracksuit? and why do they wear those awful pants with the huge pockets on the legs? are these "cargo" pants?

the answer is different people wear different things at different times in different places.

but on a side note, i personally would never wear blue jeans with tennis shoes! :0
hahah, guess its just me.
