Filbert: As per you question about the blackmarket on CDs and DVDs. The store and factory sell at the higher price because they have to pay the artist, the production labor, a benefit package to the work force which will include a retirement package. Some creep making CDs and DVDs in his spare room at home does not have that over head and steals from not only the artist but everyone else, to inclued the tax man, IE you and I the legitimate citizen. Think about it, that creep is stealing from you to.

I do not know how Spain deals with the issue of copywrite infringement. Here in the US it is not taken lightly. At the flea markets in the US there are officers patroling for that very issue. Also GWB just in the last couple of weeks, laid the law down to China over their production of blackmarket goods.

Like you said, you have to make your own decisons on this issue. I think my explanation speaks for where I stand on this. cool
Phantom Man