My parents, sister, brother-in-law, and niece were the targets of a number of pickpocket attempts in Paris too, and that definitely colored their impression of the place. (Though see my recent post about my brother-in-law's arrest of a pickpocket in the Louvre--he's a cop and his training kicked right in).

I have never (knowingly) been targeted in Spain, and have had generally favorable experiences during my four vists there. My husband didn't care for Madrid either, but loved places like Toledo, Avila, Salamanca, etc. I didn't feel as safe during this trip to Madrid as I had on previous ones, though not for any reason I'm aware of. Just a funny gut feeling, I guess.

I do understand your reluctance to return--I had some bad experiences in Bordeaux and in Brittany, and wouldn't want to go back anytime soon. But still, someday I hope I (and you) will give some of those places a chance to redeem themselves!

And I just have a feeling, given your other posts, that you might like Barcelona and other parts of the north of Spain! I know I'm planning to take my next Spanish trip en el norte!

As always, you've given us all a lot to think about. Thanks, sheba!