Hi, Moms!!

My wonderful Spanish stroller was hit by a car in the underground parking garage at the Princesa Corte Ingles (yes, my daughter was in it, but was not hurt), and the wheels were never the same. I no longer have it, but the memories.....!! Those things are fantastic!

I can't resist changing the topic a little bit. Were your kids born in Spain? Did you have them there as babies/toddlers? Mine were born in Madrid, in the Clinica Belen (such an appropriate name), and I raised them through babyhood / toddlerhood like Spanish children, eating the typical foods all Spanish babies eat at the exact same time as all Spanish children, they went to a Spanish guarderia, where they were loved and pampered to pieces...

Just this morning, before checking these boards, I was thinking for the millionth time how glad I am that I had my children in Madrid, where I as a mom, and they as small children, had such a perfect life. If we all continued to eat homemade papillas according to the same recipes all the Spanish pediatricians give, we'd probably all be healthier! And the paseos, and the parks... Anyway, I just had to get that out!