Hi mencey! Acutally, you 'could' combine/move your postings by clicking on the little pen/paper icon (like one does to edit one's postings), copy all the text, then go to the ...umm... maybe.... "About Spain" (???) forum and pasting it there.

That said, the way to graduate from a "Junior Member" to a full "Member" is by either helping 30 little old ladies across the street or by posting 30 messages/replies here on MadridMan's Message Board, whichever comes first. (Posting the messages might get you praise while the other might reward you with a heavy purse to the head) You've posted 6 messages so far so you have lots of work to do. But please don't post simple replies like "Good posting" and then another message saying "Hey, that's useful information" and another one like "Ummm... Yeah! Me too!" just to get in your 30 postings. hehehehe.. Thanks!

Saludos, MadridMan

P.S. I'm looking forward to going SHOPPING in Madrid! Items on my list: 2 leather belts, 2 pairs of leather shoes, ummm.. whatever goodies I can find at El Rastro, and.... That's about it!
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