Just wondering if anyone can shed some light on this process and wondering if you have any wisdom to share. My daughter is going to St. Louis University in Madrid in the fall. She leaves at the end of August. She will be back for Christmas. She has been trying for the last month and a half to acquire the student visa with no success. She has done all of the required steps steps to get a student visa and you need to go to the consulate and present these documents in person. She has now gone 3 times to the consulate, and each time they tell her she is missing something. The last time it was 2 copies of her passport, she only had one copy with her. (BTW: They were unable to make a copy from the copy machine right behind the clerk! rolleyes )and when she said she would run downstairs to make a copy and return, they told her she would not be attended since she lost her turn. When we tried to make another appointment their website was down and when we were able to get onto the website, the next available appointment is in mid July. (She started this process in early May!)

Sorry for the long explanation, but my question is: Can she go to school without the visa and just leave the country before 90 days to have her passport stamped? She did not want to do this but it may turn out that she has to. We are going to Argentina in mid July and will be home mid August. She leaves for Spain the last week of August. If we cannot get an appointment with the consulate for mid August , she is not going to be able to have the visa in time. She cannot leave her passport with the consulate in Mid July, so she will have to return for them to attach the visa to the passport.
Just wondering if anyone has any advice or words oof wisdom. ¡Qué lío!