What it really demonstrates is tha:

1. ETA has not enough explosives due to recent police operations (the bombs have less than a kilo of explosive).

2. ETA has not the infrastructure to easily kill their objectives.

3. ETA knows that their actions are unpopular both inside and outside Spain due to current international situation.

ETA is almost defeated by now, no matter they use these small bombs to try to cause panic and terror (which is not being caused) as a means to spread its propaganda.
1- False, it's pretty easy to buy explosives in the international market, and ETA's depots have been found with tons of its, so it doesn't seem probable that they are short of them, they are using small amounts because now they are not trying to kill anybody but to show they are in the fight, and they are organized and qualified for this chronometered operations.

2 - This is not only false but also al lie on your part, for you know perfectly well that ETA never tries to kill civilians not related to it's fight, and that's why they warned of the bombs, as usual, in the same place.

3 - ETA always knew their methods are impopular for those who don't know the opression of the Basque country, and it never bother them.

It's people like you that generate false expectatives, like with the unilateral truce by ETA, and then deceive people because they don't come true and blame ETA. Please, don't malke promises that have no fundament, and will only give hope to soome, to learn sourly afterwards it was only imprudent propaganda phrases.

Until there is negotiation nothing will be ended, and the group will soon be as strong as ever with their finance system reinstaurated and new explosives bought or stolen.