My goodness Quintos, Spain is so much more than what you selectively describe!! The ;argest tourist attractions--a HUGE % source of Spanish jobs and income directly from the contributions made by los moros: the Alhambra, La MEzquita, and Andalucia. The two other regions: Catalunya and San Sebastian/Navarra.

Spain is like the US, a wonderful mix that reflects contributions from many, many people.

You should print out these statement s of yours and read them from time to time. Perhaps in calmer times you understand how awful your statements are and how ignornat of SPain's history, past and present.

If all Morrocans were as horrible as you say, then the appropriate policy response would be to kick them out. But yet even the PP would not dare to do such things. Why? Because your economy depends on their cheap labor and that of all the central and South Americans that are all over Lavapies and Legazpi, where I was walking around today.

As in the US, immigrasnt bashing bespeaks an incredible ignornace over how economies actually function. We don't see Spanish maids, nannies, garbage men, construction workers, retail sales clerks, etc. nowadays, so we. These jobs are done by immigrants who rarely do much complaining--they are too busy feeding their families.

So please, study your history and learn some basic economics. Perhaps then you will see that Spain has always been a country of immigrants. ANd her glory days will always bve those in which they looked outwardly rather than inwardly.

One final point: study your history. The 100 year period after 1492 was NOT the glory days of Spain. Please. It was the beginning of a great decline from which Spain is only recently emerging. the pillaging of Latin America led to one of history's greatest squandering of wealth. There was no renaissance. Just great concentrations of wealth and the brutal dominance of the Catholic Church.

Spain is at its finest today. Great growth. Far mroe evenly distributed wealth. More global respect than ever before.

If you were a Spainsh peasant in 1500, your life would have miserable and brutal. Today? I look around and see a great joie d'vivre. A country in love with reading. A country more open to globalization than ever before. Exciting, really. The Spain of the 1500s built numerous buildings and spent its money on ostentation that benefitted only the egos of the rich and entitled. You would have to go backl to the Corbova of 1000-1200 to see such wonderful developments...