Well, also Spanish gipsies comit a lot of pickpocketing. It´s a well-known fact that most of the pickpocketing, robberies, assaults in the streets,... in Spain are done by foreigners, specially Northafricans, Romanians and Colombians.

5 years ago We rarely had assaults in the streets, robberies in houses, assaults in the streets, violence, ... they were quite rare in the news. Even when We had these kind of situations the assaultants (in many cases drugadicts or gipsies) usually were polite and just asked if you could lend him some money.

Now with the comming of immigrants nothing is the same and there are certain neighborhoods in the bigger cities (Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Sevilla, ...) were you should be careful. Many Spaniards suffer from this new wave of violence that the immigrants have brought to us (although others call it "diversity" and "cultural enrichment"...) and many tourist suffer from it also.

I just want to point it out. It´s also the same in other Western European countries. In England, France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Italy and most European countries) most of the delinquency and crimes are commited by immigrants. Some friends of mine have recently been mugged in France and Holland. Guess who where the assaultants...?. Moroccoans (like almost always)!.

Yesterday I´ve read a piece of news where CIU (the party that governs in Cataluña) said that the "immigrants were the ones that have caused the bad situation of convivence, delinquency and bad feelings in El Raval in Barcelona". That is just an example of what is happening.

This is just a piece of news of something that happened yesterday in Almeria and that is very usual lately thanks to the Moroccoans. 8 Moroccoans kidnapped a Spanish woman and raped her many times...


Detenidos ocho marroquíes en El Ejido por secuestrar y agredir sexualmente en varias ocasiones a un joven

La Guardia Civil de Almería ha detenido a ocho ciudadanos de nacionalidad marroquí, de entre 19 y 37 años, como presuntos autores del secuestro y la violación en repetidas ocasiones de una joven de 35 años en la localidad de El Ejido (Almería), informó el lunes la Benemérita.

Las detenciones se produjeron en la tarde del pasado día 4 y a lo largo del día 5 de abril en el paraje Tierras de Almería del citado municipio, tras la denuncia presentada por la mujer, el día 27 de marzo, en la que relataba que había sido secuestrada y agredida sexualmente "en repetidas ocasiones por varias personas".

Según fuentes del Instituto Armado, la joven salió de un club acompañada por un hombre, A.A. de 31 años, quien se ofreció a llevarla hasta su casa. Sin embargo, contra su voluntad, fue trasladada hasta un cortijo en Tierras de Almería donde permaneció varios días siendo víctima de los presuntos delincuentes.

Los marroquíes han sido detenidos por los delitos de agresión sexual, robo con violencia --le quitaron la documentación y el dinero-- y detención ilegal.


I think this Spanish woman must be very happy with the cultural enrichment and diverstiy that many Spaniards are prommoting everyday... There are Spaniards that promote diversity and multiculturalism from their luxury neighborhoods while there are many Spaniards that suffer what the others are prommoting everyday. That poor woman is not the unique that have suffered from this. There are tons of Spaniards and tourists that have been assaulted, robbed, raped and even killed by immigrants in Spain. Diversity!.