Great stay at Hostal Martin last week but ....... my wife and I were victims of a clever scam on arrival at the hostal.We had just gone inside the main entrance off the street, when a young man appeared in the doorway with a map asking for directions. We explained we couldn't help because we were strangers. Suddenly 2 other men entered both well dressed posing as policeman. They showed identification.They pushed the young man against the wall and quickly searched him.They told us that he was very dangerous and we should not change money with him. We tried to explain the situation. They then checked our passports and asked to see our currency.One examined our currency while the other continued to warn us about the young man.He handed us back the currency. They apologised for inconveniencing us and we shook hands. The young man was led away. Only when we checked our crrency did we realise 240 euros was missing! mad
The hostal staff and police were very helpful and sympathetic. Despite this we had a great time in Madrid. Be on your guard for this scam.