Hi again,

I know this really might sound childish or bad but I'm really LOL reading some of these postings, mainly at the tactics some of these pickpockets use!

I want you to know that I mean no disrespect to those people who have gotten robbed, and I don't mean to sound indifferent

But really, the stories about girls blowing kisses and touching (hilarious!!!), the shell game, guys falling over pretending to be hurt, etc. really are pathetic but they all really made me laugh

Really, has anyone ever tried to play along with these wankers? I mean really try to have a good time with these idiots, perhaps by playing the same game?

Maybe telling the girls who are blowing kisses and touching that you have a (big) surprise for them if they follow you back to your flat

Or try and pretend you are an undercover police officer and flash your international driving licence or other form of ID pretending to be police looking for thieves

Or when you are helping an "injured" person and he tries to pick your pocket, throwing him down and kicking him a few times when he's down?

Or the best thing of all....robbing a pickpocket!!!!! If he tries to pick your pocket, catch him in the act....he will walk away. But follow him for a while...and when he doesnt notice, tackle him down and take his wallet. And then throw it into a sewer or gutter!

Sorry but it's rather late at night (well not really but for some of you it is) and I have a rather childish sense of humour

But I have tried some of the above methods against pickpockets (not in Madrid however)

So far the kiss-blowing girls are no. 1 in my book

