My friend's Mother and Father are very lucky to be attending a church wedding in Madrid in September this year. Her Mother is in her 60's and is currently paranoid about what to wear. She has sorted out a dress of some sorts but is now spending a lot of time looking for a hat. Is a hat required do you think? I think her husband would much prefer her to forget the hat idea and just get on and enjoy the wedding!!! I wish it were me that was going!

Also, the hotel they are booked into is Hotel Pio-doce (I think) - anyone have any information on this place?

Thanks Madrid Man for the most wonderful web site in the World, I look forward to reading the messages everday, and I really made use of your site prior to our week in Madrid a month ago now. I just wish we were back there. Keep up the fantastic work.

Madly in love with Madrid

[This message has been edited by Jo-Anne (edited 06-28-2000).]