You guys got me going! You made me hungry for fresh baked goods!

When my wife comes home from work tonight, she's in for a big surprise. Because of this link going off where it did, I started baking this morning - rolleyes I now have a loaf of apple cinnamon bread in the oven, blueberry & orange muffins ready to be put in there when the bread is done, and have started two loafs of Spanish pan which will be ready to bake right after the muffins! Geez! This ain't fair! I'm not even a good baker! The pan doesn't quite cut it, but it isn't bad. The problem is, we don't have the right kind of oven to make it in. I wish I could afford a nice brick and clay lined one in our kitchen, it would be fantastic!

To stay on subject - no Starbucks coffee with it! - wink Just a good cafe con leche.... laugh

Wolf (Who's about to pull out the recipe for caramel rolls, and chocolate chip cookies. I feel like the Pillsbury Doughboy [We've got a similar physique]! Hey! That is me!)