I went! We drove from Madrid on Friday afternoon. Stayed at the brand-new (and clean but inexpensive) Holiday Inn Expresss in Cuidad de Las Ciencias. Stayed thru until Sunday.

Had a great time. The fallas were quite impressive - all kinds of different designs from dinosaurs, genies, humourous, etc.

The mascaleta was really loud. I preferred the fireworks each evening - had a great view from the bridge.

Awesome tapas, wine, and ambiance. We walked almost everywhere since the traffic was so bad didn't make sense to take a bus or cab. But firecrackers are going off constantly. Jumped up fast when someone rolled one under our cafe table!

Would like to go another year when I can see the burning on the last day.

Sadly the weather was cold and rainy, but still had fun.
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have a listen!