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#61932 - 04/25/02 08:32 AM Romantic Interlude!
Wolf Offline

Registered: 01/25/01
Posts: 1235
Loc: Rockford, IL/Milton, WI, USA
After reading dozens of posts out here, that talk about how romantic European men are, compared to Americans, I thought this little trip to the Onion's Point/Counterpoint might be in order.

Even though it deals with Italy, what would make me tend to believe there is little, or no difference in Spain or France?

Of course, the guy who posted his counterpoint isn't anything like the guy most women meet, is he? rolleyes

Or is he? wink

Wolf (Sorry ladies. Not all that glitters is gold.)

#61933 - 04/25/02 04:26 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
CaliBasco Offline
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Registered: 10/17/00
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Loc: Idaho
I'm really disappointed in the Onion for printing my experiences as a Greek sailor. I'm going to contact the editor at once!
Ongi etorri!

#61934 - 04/25/02 07:00 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
Nicole Offline
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Registered: 07/24/00
Posts: 583
Loc: Los Angeles
I read that article a while back. It cracked me up!!!

Calibasco! I thought you looked familiar. No wonder nautical images kept popping into my head everytime I looked at you at La Luna. I thought it was strange to for a Greek sailor to look so Aryan...but your accent was so convincing.

I feel violated

#61935 - 05/03/02 10:17 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
roses Offline
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Registered: 05/07/02
Posts: 151
Loc: Beverly Hills, CA
Wow! rolleyes it's not like i've ever been fooled by a sexy Roman. Darn it! Maybe I have. It's so sad. This summer while I was walking in Rome, this Italian man with dark tanned skin, dark hair and a thick accent swept me off my feet. To make a long story short, I should have stayed in Spain, the men are less sneaky there. Now that I think of it, I got played. mad I'm going to share my experience, so people believe that that article has some truth to it.

This past summer when I was on my weekend trip to Rome, I met a police officer on the train. I don't know why I thought that he was so suave, but I did. I wanted to grab something to eat while I was waiting for my next train, but I had no Lira. This sweet Roman officer, offered to buy me a McDonald's value meal. I don't know why I was so estactic. It was a stale burger in a dirty train station. Anyway, I was so inlove, because I thought, wow, he's so romantic, American guys would never buy a girl they didn't know something. Anyway, I came back to see him a few days later and he decided to take the day off of work to show me around Rome. Now, I thought, wow, he's taking the day off just for me, but he probably didn't even have to work. Then, he walks me all around Rome and told me all this history of the city. Not like I cared, but I thought, wow, how amazing that he knows so much history of his country, when Americans don't even know that the image on a 25 cent coin has changed. Anyway, after that he convinced me to change my air ticket and stay the night. He got me all the way to the ticket counter, but then I realized what he wanted and I wasn't going to just lay over and hand it over when he didn't even know my last name! :o I thought, if he wants me, he can come to Madrid and get me. So I left. But then, he said, oh I can't afford to come to Madrid, so me feeling sorry for him, hopped on a plane three days later to go back to Rome. He picked me up and took me to his rat hole, and yes, I mean rat hole apartment. It was horrible, it was the most filthiest place I had ever seen, but the first thing he told me, please forgive me, my apartment is not very nice... see that was a way to make me feel guilty for being superficial and feel even more sorry for him. He took me to the park, a filthy park with dirty pigeons and kissed me. i thought, oh, he's so romantic... how many american men take women to the park nowadays, but the reality, how convenient ... he didn't have to spend a dime and it was easy to get me all excited about being in Rome. To make a long story short... European men are more romantic, but only because we make them that way. Now that I think back, there was nothing romantic about McDonalds, his roach infested apartment, his old broken down car, his accent that was so horrible, I could never understand a word that was coming out of his mouth. I'll never date another Roman again.


#61936 - 05/03/02 10:45 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
taravb Offline
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Registered: 02/22/01
Posts: 736
Loc: Ames, Iowa, USA
roses, what a story! You're certainly not alone--many of my American friends have had similar experiences.

I think one of the things that makes many European men so attractive to us is that they show their interest in the "right" ways--they are courteous, solicitous, flattering, blah, blah...and it's hard for ANY woman to resist that and a pair of handsome dark eyes staring deeply into her own!

My own "love story" in Spain is similar, though it didn't go very far as the guy was just 20 and lived at home. But over the course of a summer he bought me drinks (NEVER let me pay), walked me home with his jacket around my shoulders, always held doors, carried my packages, called me sweet nicknames, told me he loved me, brought me little presents, picked me flowers, etc....all things that sweep a 20-year-old Americana off her feet after a college career full of keggers and guys who think that burping contests are charming.

If he had had a roach-infested apartment all his own, I would have been there with bells on, I promise, after a suave performance like that. As it was, I put up with his cigarette smoking (a DEAL BREAKER here in the US during my dating days) just because he was so darn sweet and flattering! And to show what an impression it made, I have saved several VERY gooey love letters in my Spain scrapbook...thank goodness my husband can't read Spanish! wink

I have a sneaking suspicion that American guys (yes, I am WAY over-generalizing!) don't usually sweep Spanish women off their feet like that (MadridMan excepted, of course).

#61937 - 05/03/02 11:01 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
MadridMan Offline

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#61938 - 05/04/02 01:08 AM Re: Romantic Interlude!
Jaime Offline

Registered: 08/19/00
Posts: 147
Hi Taravb
You'd be suprised about how many American guys I know in Milwaukee that have swept Espanolas off their feet. Most of them met their husbands while in college studying abroad and one was stationed in the military there when he met his wife.

I think we all like whatever is different from what we're used to. I've heard from many Spanish and Latina women that american men treat them better than their Spanish/Hispanic counterparts. That was news to me.

Wolf, that article cracked me up and of course I had to forward the link to all my girlfreinds that have dated European guys abroad...its just too true!

#61939 - 05/04/02 01:46 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
roses Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 05/07/02
Posts: 151
Loc: Beverly Hills, CA
You know... European men are sweeter... but, I am starting to think that men are pretty much the same everywhere and people, well, I think that they like things that are different and out the norm. Some of my American guy friends say the exact same about European women. They find that they are so much sexier and comfortable with their bodies and sexuality and they feel that they are the easiest lays in the world, besides Brazil. Hey, as one of my American guy friend said "you don't even have to spend a bunch of money on them (unlike American women), - one croissant and a cafe will do." But in all reality, I think when all people are away from their homeland, they'll do just about anything with anyone, because no one will ever know about it. In the end, everyone is just partaking in a little summer lovin' cool . As long as we all know that the flattery, kindness, attention, candlelight dinners, flowers, etc... are all different types of bait that is used to reel us in, we'll be okay and we'll be armed with the heart protection we need to prevent us from getting to wrapped up in believing that this moment of pure esctasy is more than what it really is: a summer love affair. So ladies and gentlemen, put your radar on and look for the biggest bite you can get and prepare yourself for a fun and romantic summer with that foreign somebody. Summer is only weeks away and the Italians, amongst everyone else is waiting for the foreigners to come over! :p But just remember to always protect yourself with trojan , because there is always a fresh new batch of foreigners coming in every week during the summer months and the city dwellers are always looking for their catch of the week! wink


#61940 - 05/04/02 02:58 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!


#61941 - 05/04/02 07:48 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!

New chatroom format is fantastic F******* c***!!!!

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