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#58614 - 12/02/00 07:17 PM Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
Nuria Offline

Registered: 07/04/00
Posts: 263
Loc: NJ, USA
Hi guys,
I am having a party in my company on February. It is a "Cultural party". In my company there are many foreigners and we have a diversity group, every year we make a cultural party where we bring typical food, drinks, music, and we have cartels with our flags and a little bit of history, art, geography... you know. Now, my problem is that I have a limited budget and I am the only Spaniard there so I have to make it on my own and I would like to know your opinion. What would you like to see/listen/eat/drink from Spain? What do you think is the most popular thing? Should I show the past or the present of Spain? Any ideas would be very appreciate. Ah, I would like to present Spain like a country that has more then "toros", "paella" and "flamenco".
Thank you so much.
Besos, Nuria

#58615 - 12/02/00 07:42 PM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
rgf Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/20/00
Posts: 666
Loc: New York, New York
Nuria-- what fun, can we all come??? Maybe have a kind of tapas-bar ambiente. Pitchers of sangria, lots of tapas (some you just buy: stuffed olives, marinated mushrooms). But of course you have to make some tortilla, right? And have good music on, and maybe have some Spanish newspapers and magazines ... and lots of cigarette smoke. JUST KIDDING on that one. Another cool thing would be to order food from different regions and have wine from those regions, too. What part of Spain are you from? Because you could also do something cool with the Camino de Santiago theme and have "stops" in different towns in el norte.

#58616 - 12/02/00 09:50 PM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
Diana Offline

Registered: 06/18/00
Posts: 506
Loc: Pennsylvania, USA
Hi, Nuria,
How about a big piece of cartulina (I just can't stop using that word - so much better than posterboard), and glue on pictures of famous 20th century Spaniards that Americans may have heard of, like Placido Domingo, Jose Carreras, Antonio Samaranch, Arantxa Sanchez Vicario, Miguel Indurain, Antonio Banderas, Penelope Cruz, Pedro Almodovar, Picasso, Dali, etc. etc. (Isn't the head of the EEC Spanish? I can't remember his name.) I'm always impressed at how many exceptional people Spain produces in so many fields. Then I'd surround them with pictures of what Spain looks like now - there's so much diversity in the landscapes - huge mountains, ski slopes, beautiful beaches and the rocky coasts, the plains, the hills of olive trees, or orange trees, or vines; the lush greenery of the northwest... You could probably get pictures off the internet of all that, if you access to a good color printer, or you could call the embassy and ask for brochures to cut up... As for the music, anything would do, from zarzuela to Gypsy Kings... Let us know how it goes!

#58617 - 12/03/00 09:44 AM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
Nuria Offline

Registered: 07/04/00
Posts: 263
Loc: NJ, USA
Diana, that was a great idea about famous Spaniard people! Maybe I can make understand people that Picasso is SPANIARD not French
Don't be surprised, last week I spent almost an hour to try to convince my co-workers that Picasso is from Spain and finally I gave up.
Yes, I think I will have that "cartulina" and in the place of honor I will put Madridman's picture, okay, he is not Spaniard but he is almost and he is very popular (at least in this web-site)

#58618 - 12/03/00 11:14 AM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
Nuria, a big photo of me?? Would that be bare-chested or fully clothed? hehehehe... the former might get more attention. But no, I'm no Spaniard so it probably wouldn't work. Maybe just a BIG banner that says "GO TO MADRID WITH !!"

How about a PowerPoint presentation or slide show? How about a ever-playing video of Madrid or Spain? Maybe have Ketama music playing in the background or requiring everyone to say, "¡Hola! ¿Qué tal?" upon meeting/greeting another person in the party.

I agree with rgf. What about making 6-10 tortilla patatas and let everyone know that it's okay that they're at room temperature. This was something that surprised me the first time I tried one in Spain. Spanish wines and stuffed olives are also a great addition. And yes, be sure to smoke like a chimney while talking with friends. hehehe.. Good luck and have fun!

Saludos, MadridMan
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#58619 - 12/04/00 07:39 AM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
El Boqueron Offline

Registered: 06/09/00
Posts: 421
Loc: UK
Picasso, French! Jolines! Something has to be done! Nuria, try this Malaga site for pictures of his birthplace etc. It's part
of the Malaga tourist board site.

Don't forget Falla and Lorca. Lorca wrote a book of poems called The Poet in New York, which may have been translated into English.

Spanish influences in the US.
How about something on Hemingway's travels? I'm not a big fan myself but I have the impression he's still highly regarded in the US. Michener is another US author who has been heavily into Spain. Norman Mailer recently wrote a book on Picasso.

Spanish place names all over the South West
(A-bomb invented at Los Alamos!)

Did anyone mention Columbus??! He sailed from Sevilla with the financial support of los Reyes Catolicos.

#58620 - 12/04/00 10:19 AM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
Jen Offline

Registered: 08/01/00
Posts: 217
Loc: Chicago
I like rgf's idea-montar un bar/tapas-
tortilla de patatas, ensaladilla rusa, ensaladilla de atún, gambas al ajillo, pringá, sandwich de roquefort o de jamon, jamon, picos...
I'm getting hungry! those ingredients aren't too expensive, so it could work out great! don't forget the sawdust on the floors! Have fun and suerte-
oh yes, and don't forget the bare chested picture of MadridMan, blown up lifesize, offering olives, as if in an ad!

[This message has been edited by Jen (edited 12-04-2000).]

#58621 - 12/04/00 04:45 PM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
CaliBasco Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 10/17/00
Posts: 1495
Loc: Idaho
You HAVE to serve tortilla. It's easy to make, and you could even do a quickie cooking demo right there...then you could put a regional spin on things by pointing out that tortilla is to Spaniards what scrambled eggs and toast are to Americans or what an omelette and crepes are to the French (plus it tastes a million times better...)

Have you thought of coming dressed like a flamenco dancer or torera, and asking those invited to come in "ropa típica"? They would have to do some research, and that may enhance the experience. Of course, if this is a "during office hours" party, that last idea stinks, and you won't be able to do it...I'm sure having your CEO close a deal in a "traje de luces" isn't quite the image your company is wanting to portray.

Have fun!
Ongi etorri!

#58622 - 12/05/00 08:23 AM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
francisco Offline

Registered: 08/25/00
Posts: 45
Loc: Madrid
But, remember that Nuria doesn´t want to give an impression of Spain being only filled with toreros and flamenco dancers.

(I wouldn´t like, either)


#58623 - 12/05/00 08:46 AM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
mclarke Offline

Registered: 09/19/00
Posts: 179
Loc: Arlington, VA

At my daughter's former school (when she was elementary/high school)we parents celebrated every first-week in December "Holidays Around the World". We printed in my languagte "Merry Christmans". What my daughter and I did, we brought decorations used on christmas season from my country of origin. In addition, I prepared a main dish and dessert that we eat after attending mid-night mass. Also at our table, I had holiday music played from my former country. At my daughter's school, students came from 50+ different coutries. It was a beautiful evening to see how holidays are celebtrated by different countries and seeing decorations and sampling different food.

#58624 - 12/05/00 12:09 PM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
Nuria Offline

Registered: 07/04/00
Posts: 263
Loc: NJ, USA
Thanks for all your ideas! Some of them are really good but... I AM NOT DRESSING AS A FLAMENCO DANCER!!!! That is what everybody is expecting and I want to show other "good stuff" form my country. The problem is that there will be like 10 more country representatives and it is in the cafeteria of the company so NO SMOKING, NO COOKING and NO POWER POINT presentation (but a wonderful idea) I think I am going to buy some vino de la Rioja, jamon serrano, lomo iberico, queso manchego and I will cook some tortillas de patatas y pimientos del piquillo. I will make some sangria too (they love it) and we can have "tapas".
But keep the ideas coming!

#58625 - 12/05/00 04:07 PM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
rgf Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/20/00
Posts: 666
Loc: New York, New York
Sounds so good, can we come!? No smoking or cooking, huh. I think your MUSIC will be important. You can play music, right? that will set the ambiente. Suerte! when is this again?

#58626 - 12/05/00 04:37 PM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
CaliBasco Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 10/17/00
Posts: 1495
Loc: Idaho
In my defense, I did read Nuria's post of not wanting to further the sterotype of flamenco dancing and toros. Are these not a part of Spain?

It sounds like you want to go regional. If so, then bring a big piece of bacalao and talk about the north. Find a gaita and talk about Galicia. You could cook up a big pot of cocido or lentejas, maybe some fabada. Put it in a crockpot and you're set. Add that to your plans to bring jamón and add some great bread.

This sounds less like a party and more like an office lunch. Is that so? It's too bad there's no cooking. They would all be drooling as you made some great cocido!

Anyway, I dind't mean to go on like this...have a great party!
Ongi etorri!

#58627 - 12/07/00 02:56 PM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
Jaime Offline

Registered: 08/19/00
Posts: 147
Maybe you could have a little sampling of a variet of aspects of Spanish culture, For example:
music- singers/folk/instrumental
architecture(historical and present)

It doesn't have to be such a tall order: just a print or two for art, maybe a picture book of Spain with famous buildings and sites, a cd for the tunes, and of course tapas would be great. Good luck.

#58628 - 12/08/00 10:17 AM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
Nuria Offline

Registered: 07/04/00
Posts: 263
Loc: NJ, USA
Yes, it is a party. My company is an international company very well known and they have a very high rate of foreigners (specially in the site where I work, NJ) I have friends from Japan, China, France, Morocco, mexico, Colombia... I mean THIS IS A REAL MIX OF CULTURES. Somehow my company wants all of us to be like "brothers" and understand each other and share stuff, so the best way to do it is having parties (once a year) where we can show part of our cultures. Last year was my first year and although I couldn't participate because I was only a temp, I enjoyed so much. I even cried when an American woman played a Spanish song in a spanish guitar.
Now, I have to confess that I cannot cook (at all) I only can make tortillas de patatas an easy stuff (my mother did all the cooking when I was living with my parents) so it might be a bad idea to cook for my coworkers (I could be fired for trying to kill them)
I am not against flamenco, toreros, etc, but that is something that almost everybody know, I want to show something different so they will learn something new. I was thinking of the ancient history of Spain, when it was Iberia and Iberos and Celtas were living there. How it became Spain, how many different cultures lived in Spain, what those cultures left for future generations... What do you think?

#58629 - 12/08/00 10:20 AM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
Puna Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/07/00
Posts: 1437
Loc: Charlotte, NC. U.S.A.
Nuria - That sounds fantastic - highlightening the culture of Spain through its history. It also sounds challanging - do you have any ideas as to how you'll do this? BTW - When is the party - how much time do you have to prepare?
emotionally & mentally in Spain - physically in Charlotte

#58630 - 12/08/00 10:40 AM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
mclarke Offline

Registered: 09/19/00
Posts: 179
Loc: Arlington, VA

Just like you, I am not great cook and cooking takes so much of your time. What I do when there is an international gathering at my son's school or office, I call a restaurant that cooks food from my country of origin. Find a Spanish restaurant or market and have them cook a main dish and dessert. Your idea of showing history of Spain is good but do you think in a social gathering people would even take time to absorb those information? Show simple items from your Spain that will instantly be absorbed by your co-workers. I agreed that you do need to show Flamenco items. Do you have a beautiful table cloth made from Spain or some other items from Spain or your village?

#58631 - 12/08/00 03:08 PM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
Nuria Offline

Registered: 07/04/00
Posts: 263
Loc: NJ, USA
The party is in February the 14th. Yes, I know it is very challenging to try to show all the history of
Spain and keep the attention of the people but I won't show all the history, just civilitations that lived in Spain and I will try to do it with some humor.
mclarke, that is a good idea but unfortunately I didn't find a "real" spanish restaurant in my area. There are many restaurants but the food doesn't taste the same. I have table clothes, old jewlery, cups and old glass bottles... but they are from my grandmother and great-grand-mother and I am afraid of loosing them so I'll keep them at home, but of course if my co-workers are interested on that they can come home.
Thanks a bunch for all your help, you are the greatest guys!

#58632 - 12/08/00 03:18 PM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
Puna Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/07/00
Posts: 1437
Loc: Charlotte, NC. U.S.A.
Nuria - Feb 14th gives us a bit of time to keep trying to help you come up with ideas - maybe all the chefs on the board could post their favorite inexpensive and easy recipes that you could follow .... anyone?
emotionally & mentally in Spain - physically in Charlotte

#58633 - 12/11/00 08:14 PM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
MunchiMike Offline

Registered: 12/11/00
Posts: 69
Loc: San Francisco, California, U.S...
Perhaps something simple like some paper lanterns and a tent, and MissMadrid to dance.Damn the torpedoes...FULL SPEED AHEAD!!.......Rev. Mike

#58634 - 01/12/01 11:45 PM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
[originally posted by Nuria.. Subject: Update on my diversity party]

Remember that I asked for help because I am having a diversity party at work? Well, I have decide what I am going too do (actually others have decided for me). First I have to base my booze (I don't like that word) on a holiday in Spain. I am going to choose "La Feria de Abril". I am only allowed to play 2 songs and I can only have "samples" of food and drinks. So I am going to have tapas and sangria, but they have told me that I only can give a very small cup (sample one) to each people that ask for it. So, it turns that my wonderful explanation about the wonders of Spain and its history and people is going to be one tapa and one small sangria What kind of diversity party is this one!?!?!?
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#58635 - 01/13/01 09:40 AM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
Tracy Moral Offline

Registered: 05/12/00
Posts: 65
Loc: NJ, USA
hey Nuria...

I know I've said this before, but most Americans who even know where Spain is and a bit about it's culture, know mostly of the region of Andalucia and the Moorish influences...Most know NOTHING of your celtic influences in the North. That might be a different route to go if you want to show a side of Spain, different from the usual.
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#58636 - 01/14/01 12:05 PM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
Nuria Offline

Registered: 07/04/00
Posts: 263
Loc: NJ, USA
Tracy, you are right, but I have to choose the closest "fiesta" and it is Semana Santa or Feria de Abril. I don't know if they have a fiesta on the north of Spain. But if someone has a good idea...

#58637 - 01/14/01 02:25 PM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
Diana Offline

Registered: 06/18/00
Posts: 506
Loc: Pennsylvania, USA
Nuria, how about San Isidro? Como eres madrileña....(Maybe if you don't tell them it's 3 months too early they won't notice )

You can dress like a chulapa, serve rosquillas, and play (and dance?) a chotis!

#58638 - 01/20/01 10:13 AM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
Nuria Offline

Registered: 07/04/00
Posts: 263
Loc: NJ, USA
Could you, please, give me a list of famous Spaniards that you know? I want to include that in my presentation for the party. Thanks!

#58639 - 01/20/01 01:10 PM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
rgf Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/20/00
Posts: 666
Loc: New York, New York
Famous Spaniards that your colleagues might have heard of, or that they SHOULD hear of? In the arts, music, popular culture? Politicians? Anyway, they should know the following names: Goya, Picasso, Velazquez, Placido Domingo, King Juan Carlos, Gaudi, Nobel prize winner Camilo Jose Cela, Pedro Almodovar, Antonio Banderas, the writers Garcia Lorca, Unamuno; philosopher Ortega y Gasset; current famous architect Rafael Moneo; Los reyes catolicos Fernando + Isabel; Hernan Cortes, Pizarro and other "conquistadores"; actresses Marisa Paredes, Victoria Abril; feminist writer/thinker Lydia Falcon; Carlos Saura; well, that's what first comes to mind!

#58640 - 01/24/01 06:26 AM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
Miguelito Offline

Registered: 01/23/01
Posts: 603
Of course there are fiestas in the north, ie. "la fiesta de la sidra", although I don't think they'll let you "escanciar" there. For music it would be really good a "jota", maybe you don't know that is the most extended regional dance of Spain, even in Andalucia (Sevillanas is like a fashion, they are only from Sevilla really), if you could dance one it would be really funny. A "muñeira" could be also funny. I think pasodoble is more boring, but you could think in the fiestas you have been, una autentica fiesta de pueblo.
If you could get a "bota" or "porrón" that would be also funny unless you dress expensive clothes, but maybe you could get some kind of delantal.
I think you could play also "chinos" or any other game(obviously you won't seat to play domino or mus), maybe just to win a tapa.
I think if you don't have money problems, what you plan to take is really good, but don't forget a good bread for jamon and queso.

#58641 - 01/25/01 03:04 PM Re: Would you help me with my Spaniard party?
mclarke Offline

Registered: 09/19/00
Posts: 179
Loc: Arlington, VA
How did your party come out? Where you able to give your co-workers a taste and glimpse of Spain?

I really enjoyed my 3-weeks stay in Madrid and the Andalusia cities. I love Cadiz and its people. I love the ocean, the mercado and park near the University.

Next time, 2003, I'll probably do norther part of Spain.

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