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#54353 - 10/03/03 11:50 AM Re: please tell me about spains problems

I am answering in English because post in Spanish are not allowed in English language forums at MM's. Obviously people who read the previous posts in English may want to follow the discussion. However, I will be briefer, because of the same reason you give:

1-Corruption is a problem in all areas. may I remind you some:

Bank of Spain- MAriano Rubio (Governor)
Banco Central Hispano - Mario COnde (persident) and others.

BAnco Bilbao- Vizcaya most of the components of the Board.

Banco Santander "Prima Única" affair Emilio Botín (President)

Banca Catalana.

Statistics of the Catalonian Government.

Recent sentences of High Tribunals, finally denounced even by PSOE (when affected only).

Banning investigating anti-corruption prosecutor by Government.

Destroying anti-corruption prosecutor office by oveloading it with other affairs.

Estate scandal in the Madrid Assembly, including political defection of PSOE members.

Colonel of the Guardia Civil suicides because of being relegated after uncovering corrupt practices with policemen salaries.

Marbella Town Council accused of corruption under three different consecutive administrations.

General Secretary of PP in Madrid Community is named counsellor of Caja de Madrid bank with PP votes as a good-bye gift from his party because he'll have to leave politics after making fraudulent Seguridad SOcial practices.

Real Madrid president buys a land for Real Madrid that had not been allowed constructing before to the previous owner for three years. Pays bargain price. Then resells to Real Madrid, with a 100% revenue within a month (around 100 million euros, I believe, I can look it up), still a bargain price, so Real MAdrid partners won't sue him.

Real Madrid builds in a land that was expropiated more that 30 years ago, only for parks and sports functions. Sued by owners.

Rato (economy minister) family enjoys advantages in their firms.

Aguirre (candidate to Madrid Assembly) family has lands that happen to be where the AVE to Barcelona stops. They start a huge complex.

and so on..

I could be writing till tomorrow. For God's sake, what world do you live at?

The housing problem has nothng to do with the fact that people wants to have property. There is plenty of property offered, enough for them unless because there is a lot of firms and rich particulars buying to speculate. This should be forbidden, because it's a first necessity good. Imagine the same with food? You'd have to pay the price they wanted for bread and milk. ¿10 €? ¿50€?

In Spain there are more than 1.000.000 flats and houses unocupied.

Spain produces more flats a year than France and Germany together, which have 3.5 as much population (140 million/40 million).

So, don't tell me that they are expensive because there is many buyers and few flats, because without that speculation they'd be earth low.

And one of the reasons why people buy is because rents are very high too for our salary level. It's not that renters don't want to rent, it's that they can ask for whatever they want because the other option (impossible for many) is buying.

So they rise prices, and now, you pay 1,3 € to the bank for each 1 € you'd pay in rent, so many people prefers buying because rent is so high.

Unemployment: Yes, I would have liked too that they gave me a work at home, and the Government has made a very bad policy of concentrating a lot of activities in Madrid, so I work here instead of at home, too.

But you have to work wherever the work is. In the USA you have no secure job many times, but at least you get a salary you can live on.

Health: Propaganda, I a pretty sure you have just copy/pasted a leaflet of the PP.

One of the best systems in the world? In the past it used to be a very good one. Nothing more.

Cheap? Only because you don't pay it doesn't mean that it's free. WE all have to pay for it and it ain't cheap (even more for the scarce prestations it gives).

So, you think that when a woman has a frightening (for her) tumour inside her vagina or womb, and they tell her to come back in a year, that's unimportant? There have been plenty of testimonies at "20minutes" newspaper, for example.

Or when people has a tumour that looks like cancer and they are called for six months later?

Or when I broke one of my spinal disks and I never got a good TAC or scan but X-rays (where you only see bones) making me have pains (sometimes severe) for 10 years until some of my fingers begun to lose ensibility and they made a proper study?

... Don't tell this tale, there is spanish people here, who knows this well.

Independentism is only a political option. The same options many countries had, strating by the USA, Argentina and many others. The problems always comes from intolernce in either side.

About prices in Extremadura and Madrid, you acknowledge the housing matter, and it's more than 50% of the expenditure of families, many times more. As for the rest, I have not lived in Extremadura, have been there on holidays only, but I kow vey well other provinces, and transport, food, fun... are a lot cheaper, at least 50% in many cases.

#54354 - 10/03/03 04:40 PM Re: please tell me about spains problems
pippo Offline

Registered: 09/20/03
Posts: 95
Loc: tarraco
Ignacio , no quiero que esto se vuelva una de esas discusiones donde cada cual solo procura hacer el comentario mas inteligente y donde los argumentos se cruzan con medias verdades , todo ello termina en comentarios agrios y procesos de intenciones ( como decir que mos ideas son inspiradas por el programa del PP)pero creo necesarias ciertas puntualizaciones a tus comentarios . Todo ello basado en mi propia opinion que es tan valida o tan erronea como la de cualquier otro:

1.- Corrupcion:
Comentas que esta extendida por todos los ambitos de la vida española.
Para mi eso no es cierto , o por lo menos no esta mas extendida que en cualquier otro pais desarrollado.
Ej.- USA:
Worldcom ( el mayor escandalo empresarial de todos los tiempos)
Florida ( uno de los mayores robos politicos)
Bonos Basura ( el mayor timo de la historia)

Financiacion de los partidos Gaullista y socialista ( algo que deja el caso filesa a la altura del betun)
Caso de la sangre contaminada ( muchisimas personas murieron por la codicia de empresarios y politicos y ninguno de los maximos responsables ha sido encarcelado)
Alcaldia de Paris ( el señor Chirac ha esquilmo las arcas municipales siendo alcalde).

Jueces comprados por la camorra.
Politicos mafiosos
Legislacion Berlusconi favoreciendo descaradamente sus intereses empresariales ( prevaricacion y trafico de influencias)

¿¿ he de seguir con mas paises o dar mas casos de corrupcion???.....¿¿ significa q Francia o USA son mas corruptos que España?
España no es un pais corrupto al estilo de una republica bananera , es un pais donde la corrupcionse centra sobre todo en aspectos inmobiliarios y tu mismo al citar los ejemplos de corrupcion de España me estas dando la razon ya que mezclas casos pasados ( Mario conde , Mariano Rubio ) con casos inmobiliarios ( Marbella , asamblea de Madrid , Florentino y el Real).
Respecto a los comentarios que haces de Aguirre y Rato el primero tambien es un caso inmobiliario y el segundo se ha demostrado ( los mismos portavoces de IU tuvieron que reconocerlo ) que no habia ni una sola prueba .

2.- Precio de la vivienda , aqui los dos coincidimos que es un verdadero problema pero tu dices que eso no tiene nada que ver con el hecho de que en España la gente quiera ser propietaria.....
Bueno te he dado 3 razones de porque el precio es el que es( la mas importante es el tema de los ayuntamientos) ....lo que dices de la especulacion de los particulares no es una CAUSA es un EFECTO , ¿ si vivieramos en una sociedad como la alemana en la que el 60% de la poblacion esta alquilada como se especularia??????
¿ subiria el precio como la espuma??....yo creo que no , el precio de los pisos es alto porque hay demanda para cubrir la oferta ( en España un piso tarda 35 dias en venderse de media frente a 97 en la EU), no me vale el argumento de que aqui se construye mas que en Alemania y Francia porque es un argumento tendencioso , en España el 50% de las viviendas estan en lugares turisticos por lo que forzosamente han de estar inhabitadas.

Lo de querer prohibir la especulacion en la vivienda me parece una medida IMPOSIBLE por las mas variadas razones , como que los pisos se escrituran por la mitad de su valor , ni el mas izquierdista de los gobiernos haria NI HARA eso.

El ciclo es el siguiente:
El ayuntamiento vende un suelo carisimo , a lo que se suma la mordida, el empresario construye y DE INMEDIATO tiene un comprador ya que los intereses son bajos y el alquiler prohibitivo.

En cuanto al hecho de porque el alquiler es caro , ahi todo el mundo esta de acuerdo , incluso los tertulianos de hora 25 ( que no son muy de derchas):
En españa existe la legislacion mas dura para el arrendador de todo el mundo, si tu pones un piso en alquiler y el tipo no te paga no podras hecharlo antes de un año ) sin contar los destrozos que pueda hacerte y que no vas a cobrar.
No digamos ya los alquileres de renta antigua en los q los arrendados pagan 12 euros por pisos de 200m y no puedes expulsarlos hasta que se mueran.
Eso disuade al propietario a alquilar .
En Madrid hay 35mil viviendas vacias cuyos propietarios no quieren vender ¿¿¿ porq no alquilan?? por lo dicho.

3.- Sistema sanitario:
España es el pais de la UE con mas supervivientes al cancer , es el segundo pais con mayor esperanza de vida del mundo solo superado por Japon ( en esto la dieta tiene un factor muy importante pero si el sistema fuera tan malo la mortalidad seria mas elevada).
Yo te reto a que me demuestres a que persona con un posible cancer le han dado una lista de espera de 6 meses.
A mi me dieron una de 2 meses para unas placas de lumbago.Pero no voy a entrar en la casuistica.Porque cada persona tiene un mundo de experiencias distintas.
He de reconocerte que no es barata , ahi tienes razon porque el hecho de que salga de nuestros impuestos no significa que sea gratis.

Pero si significa que cualquier parado esta bien tratado mientras que un parado de USA ha de irse a la beneficencia y rezar.
Lo de que en USA con un sueldo te da para vivir habria que matizarlo porque no es raro que muchos ciudadanos tengan 2 y 3 trabajos.

Es cierto es una opcion , y tambien es un problema por sus efectos. USA se nego a que se independizaran los estados sureños y provoco una guerra encarnizada , Francia no acepta la independencia de Corcega y UK la de Irlanda , podria seguir nombrando muchos paises.
Aun asi yo soy partidario de la legalidad , si la independencia se consigue por mnedios no solo pacificos sino legales pues que venga .......pero que se le explique exactamente a los ciudadanos lo que significaria la autodeterminacion de Euskal Herria:
1.- Anexion de Navarra.
2.- Limpieza cultural de todo lo español,.
3.- Problemas con Francia . ( al igual que Turquia no quiere un kurdistan independiente Iraqui por el posible contagio Francia no quiere hoy pais vasco independiente y esa es una de las principales causas por las que incrementa su colaboracion ya que los etarras estan aumentando sus reivindicaciones y el plan Ibarretxe contempla una posible anexion de Iparralde)
4.- mimetismo de Catalunya ....esto haria ( ya que Catalunya es la mayor potencia de España , la subida de impuestos para pagar a autonomias pobres , con lo vual se resentiria la industria y aumentaria el paro ,si a eso unimos las aspiraciones de crear unos "Paisos Catlans " que integren Valencia y Baleares el golpe seria brutal.


5.- Finalmente:
Lo que de verdad me tiene harto es el nivel de pesimismo y agresiva autocritiza que se tiene en este pais , si alguien lleva la bandera es tachado de facha ( y tu sabes que es asi ) , en muchos lugares no se puede nombrar ESPAÑA se ha de decir estado español u otro eufemismo.
Estoy harto , muy harto .
Hace falta salir y darse una vuelta por fuera del pais para apreciar lo que uno tiene y donde vive , ver como los edificios publicos se caen a pedazos en muchas partes de Francia desde Carceles a Ayuntamientos , ver las carreteras tercermundistas de Irlanda o el absoluto estado de presion laboral en USA.
Cuando ves eso te das cuenta que esos paises no son mejores que el tuyo ( ni peores ) sino que en todo el mundo cuecen habas.
Un pais donde la gente tiene la segunda esperanza de vida del mundo , el segundo porcentaje de universitarios del mundo , la renta mas repartida del primer mundo y donde la sanidad y la educacion son un buen pais , y eso no tiene que ver con el PP o el PSOE.

Lo triste es que hay personas que niegan todas esas evidencias para autoflagelarse injustamente.
Con esto acabo. Siento si algo te ha ofendido o si he sido rudo de verdad q mi intencion no es esa . Solo dar fe de que aqui se vive bien y decir esto sin tintes chauvinistas...

Un saludo.

#54355 - 10/03/03 10:03 PM Re: please tell me about spains problems
Quintos233 Offline

Registered: 10/23/02
Posts: 332
Loc: Southern California
I think that the political party Democrazy National will work for Spain. Its like have all the benefits of democrazy with out the hard ships such as immagration,gangs, and your typical government corruption. It also isn't fascist so therefore is more a moderate nationalistic government when you guys think??? :p

#54356 - 10/03/03 10:04 PM Re: please tell me about spains problems

I'll write something else tomorow. Now, it's 4 a.m..

I just wanted to say, right now a couple of things:

- I am not offended in any way by what you expose, you do it respectfully. I want to excuse myself if I disturbed you, because I sometimes get angry too, about certain matters, hence my "Don't tell this tale" "For God's sake, what world do you live at?", which are not rude but are a little agressive, however.

- I made special mark on what we disagree, but, because of time constraints, I didn't emphasize the points that I would agree (there are several). smile

Quintos: I just read your post. I don't know that party Democrazy National , and this fact and the sound of the name makes me think of fascism. So I am wrong? Where can I get info in the Net?

#54357 - 10/03/03 10:34 PM Re: please tell me about spains problems
Quintos233 Offline

Registered: 10/23/02
Posts: 332
Loc: Southern California you sould be able to get some info their.

#54358 - 10/04/03 06:30 AM Re: please tell me about spains problems

Thanks, Quintos.

Well, I think they are nothing new under the sun. I went through their program,and it seems to me almost copied from Falange's.

A huge emphasis in spanish nationalism, vague generalizations on economic growth mixed with a certain state protection to workers, a like for policial state, and they confess they are not "democrats" the way we define that word. They support another way to express democracy ¿las Juntas de las JONS?

I still may be wrong, but I believe they look like falangistas. For those who don't know falange, in my opinion, Falange's got good and (more) bad things but it is close to facsist and somehow to nazi positions (less).

Remember that Nazi (NAzional Sozialist)party, was, in the beginning a split of the socialist/communist party, that developed an intense national feeling (and xenophobic),but their roots always tended to "fatherly" protect the lower classes in an attempt to hold their support.

#54359 - 10/05/03 12:43 AM Re: please tell me about spains problems
Quintos233 Offline

Registered: 10/23/02
Posts: 332
Loc: Southern California
I disagree the Falange and Nationalist Socialism is two diferent things the Falange is an extremely conservative government with very strong Catholic ties and is of course fascist but they don't show the extreme racial hatred that a Nazi would they are a bite more mild on that term but they do how ever oppose immagration which is of course a very good thing in my opinion any ways. Any way dont want to start an argument we all know about the attrocities that the Falange has to Spanish people but SOME of their ideals could be put to use right about now.

#54360 - 10/05/03 06:25 AM Re: please tell me about spains problems

I don't want either.

I was just getting info, (Thanks) and sharing my toughts for those who may not know the party or it's political orientation.

Don't worry, be happy. smile

#54361 - 10/05/03 03:05 PM Re: please tell me about spains problems
Quintos233 Offline

Registered: 10/23/02
Posts: 332
Loc: Southern California
No problem my pleasure.

#54362 - 10/05/03 05:50 PM Re: please tell me about spains problems
fmiketheman Offline

Registered: 02/18/02
Posts: 317
Loc: ny,ny
hey everybody

thats nice ignacio and quintos laugh wink

i got to tell you all something(including both of you) cool

thank you all for your good and complete answers and comments!

another thing:
i never knew some of these problems existed.
otherwise spain is a great country with a high standard of living from what i see written here.

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