Well, I love this website for all of the information and the great people, but am starting to hate it for making me ultra paranoid that I will get mugged while I am in Madrid this week. I have been planning a ten-day vacation to Madrid, which commences on May 22, but my excitement has now dwindled to anxiety. I guess I feel like I will be targeted as a victim, as I have very nice clothes, etc. I almost feel like I have to go buy cheap crap just to be safe. Is crime realy that bad in Madrid? I am staying on the Gran Via and wanted to go to the bars at night and have fun, but I have a feeling I will spend the evenings indoors to avoid some vagrant trying to rob me. I travel often and am very smart about not carrying a wallet, etc. I have read numerous posts this morning that were from people who were also "travel-smart", but were still victims. Any encouragement would be appreciated! smile