With over 3300 members, and plenty of get togethers, I was thinking that it might be nice if we could all be able to recognize each other in our travels throughout the world. At one time Fodors had a pin made with its logo on it and gave it out to anyone that requested one during a certain time period.

Now, this board is not for profit, but maybe we could have a pin made up (like a tie tack) and if we each contributed $5, it would pay for the pin, postage and handling.

I have no idea what the pin should look like, but it should probably be in the colors of Spain and we can incorporate the letters MM on it. Maybe one in the shape of Spain or a flamenco dancer. I'm just tossing out suggestions, as I'm sure that someone is more creative than I am. I'm open for ideas if anyone is interested.

And, Madridman, if you're interested, I'd like to sluff this project off onto your shoulders, but I'd be happy to help you anyway that I can and research a pin manufacturer. If not a pin, what about a baseball cap, patch or a tote bag?