My name's Dorene and I'm currently in Cleveland,Ohio where I teach Spanish. I left Madrid in Sept.2000 to get a "real" job here,as I couldn't keep working without a workpermit or residency,health insurance,etc! But,believe me,I'd rather be back in Madrid! laugh I studied in Alcala de Henares for 2 years & taught ESL in Madrid for 5,living in areas such as:Barrio del Pilar,Goya,El Carmen,Pacifico and La Latina. I was lucky enough to escape to Madrid for 8 days this past X-mas & would like to come over for half a year or so in 2004-2005!(Once the bills & car are paid off!) smile

Anyhow,I'd love to meet people via e-mail (& possibly meet up whenever I'm in Spain) to chat about Spain,coming back to the U.S.,your fave places in Madrid,etc! Spanish, American, British...I don't mind! English or Spanish! Feel free to e-mail me at
d_milanowski@hotmail.com or reply here! (I don't have a computer at home,so be patent!) smile

Hasta pronto! cool