Originally Posted By MadridMan
yup. I've attended a couple of them, but I'm not fond of the locations. Can't say I've made any friends there, but if you can talk loudly and don't mind the heat, they ARE a great place to rub elbows - and backs and shoulders and chest-to-backs and get to know your local internationals!

Saludos, MadridMan

I think the best way is to show up and introduce yourself to David. He's good at introducing people to other people and to makings them feel comfortable.

The other thing is, there is usually a group that will go out to other bars after each meet up (mostly during the summer months). Find that group at each meet up, friend them on facebook, and you're sure to make some long term friends and will constantly get invites to other events.

Originally Posted By pedmar
to mingle and practice they are all over here in PARIS too and there too is meetup groups

lately I had no time to go but they are entertaining, Spanish language a bit slow for me but...::)

Meetup.com is excellent. I help run a group on Meetup.com for autonomos, freelancers, entrepreneurs, in Madrid. We have a meetup coming up on April 4th if anyone is interested. Everyone is welcome.

Edited by MadridMan (03/26/12 06:53 PM)
Edit Reason: to combine two consecutive postings.