Hi I am in the process of trying to plan a trip to Spain and I need some help with this next part.

I would like to go to Spain this Summer and live with a family (helps with not having to pay for living). I would be in Bilbao and Marbella for 3 months.

I know those three months are covered by the tourist visa but I would like to stay an additional 3 months.

For the next 3 months I would be stationed in Madrid. Again living with a family but now that I would be traveling around I can take spanish classes.

So what I would like to do is to live with a second family and try to get a student visa.

I found on the forum somewhere the free classes for foreigners through ayuamiento? and the cheap classes through the Jesuit school.

My question is can i use these classes (preferably the free ones since Im on a tight budget) to apply for the student visa? Is that allowed since I don't pay any tuition?

Also would the consulate let me be a tourist for 3 months and then a student for the next three?

Thanks for any help you can provide!!