Some of you know that during my recent visit to Madrid, my purse was relieved of the added weight of my wallet. In other words, my wallet was carefully extracted from my purse by thieves. (Occurance Sept 13, between Retiro and Neptune Fountain.) We did backtrack and look around the ground and in waste containers thinking that the wallet may have been emptied of it's cash and tossed. No success though.

Yesterday, my mail box held a surprise. An envelope from the Canadian Consulate in Madrid containing a letter stating that the contents (minus the cash) had been forwarded to them by the Spanish authorities. My credit card, license, ATM card and 3 other non essential cards were returned to me.

Although all cards had been immediately cancelled when I discovered their loss, I've had the nagging thought that somewhere, someone may be using them for some unlawful action. Now, I have peace of mind.

I appreciate the Madrid authorities for returning the wallet contents to the Canadian Consulate. My hat is off to them.

Thank you Madrid authorities and the Canadian Consulate.

Denise 2009