Well I know there are ways to teach in Spain I have been doing study abroad research and see stuff all the time about teaching or working abroad. It may very well be cercumstancial and for short times only. I dont' have the specifics I would have to look in to it, I know if anything though they would want me to teach english. Very true why would they want me to teach spanish when they can do it better. I know getting a Ph.D. takes an extremely dedicated worth ethic and lots of motivation. I love to research but the time it would take off my life is something that does make me think twice. Thanks you so much for your input I love to hear people who have actually been through it, I didnt' know it was 34. Do you think it was worth it? I know the ratio of years lost to money you would have earned is on the down hill side, you're better off getting a masters and stopping there. Dont get a Ph.D. for the money I have heard that. There are research professors and nonresearch professors though too right? ... Let me post a question.
Muchas Gracias - Avril