Fulano and Bill,

I really can't wait to meet this future administration that will be open and honest with the American public. I'm 47 years old, and it's yet to happen in my lifetime. For example, I don't remember President Kennedy being very honest about the number of "advisors" in place in Viet Name. Not very honest about that at all. Which party do you think could produce such a president? confused And more importantly, how long to you think a president's political career would last if he was to clearly reveal the inner-workings of our government?

Please don't be of the opinion that this gives any president a free pass to trash our laws. No government can follow laws that would or could lead to it's own destruction. Any responsible leader is going to break the laws in the name of expedience if they think it necessary for our survival. The irresponsible part is that our media exposes this for their own political agenda.

That being said, I also think the current administration has very clumsily and heavy-handedly wielded its power over the public. The irony is, because they, the government and accompanying bureaucracy, dropped the ball, allowing 9/11 to be successful, they trash our rights and do hardly any restructuring in-house. Did anyone in our government lose their job over their failure? This is the absurdity.
"I swear -by my life and my love of it -that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."