There is no proposals because genuine positions are too apart. The USA have stated clearly that thay want all the control on Irak.

I would be for not helping the USA with soldiers even if they shared the control, maybe I would agree to help independent ONGs or Iraki organizations.

But Bush and his team have clealy said that there is nothing to negotiate in that aspect.

I prefer that Bush government sinks, while the truth steadily arises, the Budget expenses rockets, and invading soldiers die.

Let´s not forget that Bush made this so called war (the other side didn't stand a chance) to improve popularity in the USA, just like his dad did. The world and the American people must show him that war crimes don't pay.

The problem is not only Irak. Irak is only the last of USA agressions all over the world. When a beserker is free, my first priority would be stoping him before he kills somebody else. Then help the injured, and bury the corpses. Else, he would never be stopped and the number of corpses would increase more and more.

Bush needs to learn this lesson or this will happen again (Iran, Jordan, ...?), and part of the N.Am. people need the Vietnam lesson be refreshed.

Afterwards, when the bezerker is stopped and waiting for his trial, we can try to mend this and the rest of the many problems the world has. Irak is NOT the only country in the world where there is hunger, although it is nowadays more sensible and strategical for this USA government.

Sadly, I am afrad that France and Germany are been bullyed so blatantly that they may agree soon, however. Spanish stupid puppet government is eager to do so, but they know they won`t win next elections if they do (in one year and some months).