
I can see where you might think that I was a blind patriot, but I can't see why you'd apply it to Wolf. I think that since Wolf was in the Viet Nam war, he'd probably be able to tell you quite a few things wrong with this country, and for that matter, so could I. If our patriotism shows in our post, it's because the anti-war crowd's post strikes us as nothing more that America bashing and we react to that. Would you really like it if I was to bash Spain by repeating horrible moments in it's history or perhaps ridicule it's leadership or customs? Or worse yet to start making ignorant statements about Austuria? I think you know better.
No Cristobo, there are not terrorist and reds hiding in every corner, but there are flaming idiots waiting for the right rationality to hurt someone. Please be reasonable and not make irresponsible statements about our country.
"I swear -by my life and my love of it -that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."