el viajero,

It doesn't matter why France is against lifting sanctions on Iraq? Brilliant answer. The Hussein government no longer exists, and it's time to rebuild Iraq with an eye for creating a viable democracy in the region. That doesn't matter to France, or you. Apparently neither of you are above pouting - because you didn't get your way.

France's refusal to budge on any issues dealing with Iraq will only cause more concerns for the UN, and make their involvement in the rebuilding less viable. I can't help but marvel at how there are governments, and people in the world, who would look past the mayhem that a Saddam Hussein has heaped on his own people, and accept a despot as a leader simply by saying, "War is wrong." You mention my being a "racist, and a bigot," while all the while you should be looking in your mirror and seeing who you really are.

If anyone has discredited themselves, it's you, with your posturing, and failure to respond to issues. Instead of offering facts, and details about issues, you skirt them.

You have no idea of what has transpired over the years related to terrorism, and could care less.

I suggest you start by doing a little research on terrorism, and the escalation of the war against the U.S., and Europe, that began many years ago. You'll find the truth in that research.

It wasn't that long ago in this thread that you indicated you couldn't find any online information relating to the link between al-Qaeda and the Hussein regime. In essence, you denied it existed. When I offered a multitude of links where you could begin your research you "conveniently" swept them under the rug, or weren't about to admit that the links exist because it went totally against what your point of view has been. I certainly hope your research ability is better when it comes to the classroom.

You're right about one thing. Your quote.
That's what's nice about debating with some people. All you have to do is let them talk long enough and they'll spout bigoted, posturing garbage that discredits them without help from anyone else.
You couldn't have described yourself better.
