
Yes, I know that Dan Rather was covered in this book. I just really can't believe that anyone would consider Dan Rather an unbiased journalist.
Ayn Rand would love the discussion earlier that just because a camera can only point in one direction, and not give an entire picture of the world, that there will never be any truth in journalism. That's just the old Kantian philosophy that because no one can know everything than no one can know anything. What rubbish. In reality journalists don't exist to report truth or even search for the truth, they're there to "change the world."
It is for this reason, when the anti-war crowd decided to use the death of journalists as showing how evil war is, that I just couldn't feel too much sympathy for journalists. I do feel kind of sorry for David Bloom though.

I did my twenty years in the Air Force. At that time I was approaching forty. During my last few years in we started training with full chem gear and bullet proof vest and all the other equipment of war. The first day I tried on all the equipment I thought I was going to pass out. Your body does get use to it, but it is grueling. I don't think that the press realizes the stress and physical requirements required by modern day fighting men. I understand that David Bloom was also approaching 40 or a little over. I find it irresponsible for the networks to send people out in conditions that are obviously dangerous, just to get their headlines. This task should be delegated to the 20 to 30 crowd.
"I swear -by my life and my love of it -that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."