
Now there you go! You are right on the money and I was waiting for someone to call me out on it. I admit that I have made some outrageous remarks on this thread but I did so only after reading outrageous remarks by the anti-war crowd.

I've tried but just can't understand people who lean toward the left. I know that their thinking is as good as mine but I'll never understand them.

And to all posters who point out that the U.S. doesn't always do the right thing, you too are also right. We help people come to power that are absolutely miserable human beings, not to mention electing some presidents here who are horrible, oh, sorry. Still, we assume a leadership role in the world and take on responsibility for a lot of things. Particularly the democratization of the world. Will there ever be peace in this world if there are tyrants?

And by the way, just about any beer is good as long as you're not in England where they serve it warm and toast cold....Barbaric!
"I swear -by my life and my love of it -that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."