
I just checked out the news source you suggested. This may have "independent" on their title, but that is as far as it goes. They are not independent, if by independent you mean complete disassociation with taking sides on the pro/con war movements in particular, or free from bias in general. However, they may be independent in other ways, perhaps what they mean is that their funding comes from independent sources?

A cursory look can tell you that this is a pro-peace site, so it is as biased as a pro-war site.

Nevertheless, the question of fair and unbiased reporting: I do not believe any of us in the planet have seen this yet. News has been slanted in all directions, and has served all interests.
News agencies, on both sides of the Atlantic, seem to suffer with the dilemma.

I have found that we as informed citizens need to triangulate news information, if possible, to have a better idea of motives, and the ideas and positions of all parties involved. Research expert positions, then research the expert for bias in their positions. You have to go with your best judgement after that.
The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.
--St. Augustine (354-430)