The word God implies a single, Christian diety.
This will be news to my rabbi. I must inform her at once! smile

Finally, since two days before the war, public opinion has indeed shifted here. Most Americans agree with this war - and numbers have increased as success became apparent. The "fair-weather" supporter - that is, those who support it so long as it is going good - has turned this war into a very popular action stateside.
It's hard to know what Americans think of this war. As you know, there's a strong belief among many Americans that it's okay to criticize a war before and after it occurs, but not during. I'd hold off on evaluating public opinion till after this thing is over and more people feel comfortable telling pollsters what they really think.

A lot will depend on whether any evidence of weapons of mass destruction turns up in Iraq. If there's nothing there, American credibility will be severely damaged (more than it already has been by the 2000 elections and Bush's apparent violation of the U.N. charter and other international accords signed -- and often coauthored -- by the U.S.).