
As a teacher I believe the purpose of my teaching is to teach my students to think by themselves by giving them the skills to do so. I am not a teacher that presents one side of the story, in fact I am teaching things I dont agree with just because they are mainstream and I believe my students should have an overall picture. But my teaching methods are not a topic for this thread. Even though I must say that teaching the so called Truth in some fields it is quite hard because it is hard to determine what truth is, most people claim to have it, and it is usually different. Academic work today is impregnated with ideology when it should be intellectually honest.

The fact that my friends agree with me means nothing, just that they agree with me. I mentioned this fact so as to say that some Americans do not agree with the war in the same way that you do. You all are Americans and the fact that you think differently may illustrate the point that depending who you are talking to, you will get a different story. Just so that you know, I think that I never claimed to be bright and assume that I am more right than anybody just because I am in academia. These people I told you about are not all academics and very far from being pseudo-intellectuals.
