
Ah! You've watched "Diehard," the movie, so that's your reason for being anti-America, pro-communist, etc..... Do you know what the word "fiction" is? It's kind of like the information you keep reading... Not true.

I don't claim to have a corner on the market when it comes to truth. In fact I'm concerned about getting at the truth. That's why I don't wrap myself in a blanket of ideological beliefs that suit my personal conviction, like you do. You don't even bother to seek out varying opinions, or reports on issues. You just accept whatever is said by the Commissar, or offered up as fact. God forbid you should check any other sources...

As for your comment about mass graves in Timisoara, what's your point? Are you saying the butcher of Romania was treated unfairly? That it was an "American" uprising? I suppose you are saying that, after all Mr. C. was a communist, wasn't he, so he couldn't have done anything wrong.

I won't even get into the Romanian issue.... anyone who has studied world politics knows they were ruled by a tyrant, not a super nice guy like you allude.
