Wolf, you're a patient man. I myself am so right that I think Rush is a liberal. I can't see replacing our current president. After that last administration I would have voted for Adolph Hitler himself if he ran against Gore.
I myself have done my time in the military, however, I've never put myself in harm's way as did you veterans of Vietnam.
I myself joined in the fray because I couldn't let the nonsense of these anti-war postings on this site. But you have faithfully stood up to every frontal assault against you. I salute you and know as well as you do that in the end, the anti-war liberals will have so much egg on their face and a heapin' helping of crow.
Even this morning piles of Iraqi bodies killed by atrocities of Saddam's regime are being discovered. Where is your outrage thijs? Tell me how evil we are you other anti-war posters...Carmenm.
"I swear -by my life and my love of it -that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."