Wolf - again I am disappointed with the comment:

"The anti-war movement does not care about people."

You really like using that one but it's a terribly inaccurate assumption.

Are you so jaded that you think all we want to do is defy our leadership and cause problems for the Bush administration? I guess I'm lost as to what you think the movement is really about. Again let me say - it is ALL about people. Innocent American civilians, American troops (45 so far...although it seems these numbers are always low-balled during the actual war), and Iraqi civilians (of which an estimated 4,000 have now died).

Again - I can't speak for everyone, but I can say that to me - anti-war opinions are ALL about people. The damage done by this war to the Iraqi people is damage that would have taken Hussein 3 or 4 years to do himself. And certainly so much could have changed between the time the war started and 3 or 4 years from now - including international support for overriding his regime which would have made this war easier on everyone. If Hussein knew the entire world - or even 70% of it - was against him, there would have been less of a fight (assumption, of course). By acting unilaterrally, we undermined the legitimacy of the act. Additionally, in the end, acting unilaterally may end up costing us our freedom - we may be living in another Israel shortly - marred by cyclical violence and terrorism. Time will tell, but this is the fear a lot of people have these days.

Bush's ignorance of popular opinion doesn't deserve silence and collusion - that would tell Bush it's okay to wage war whenever he see's fit regardless of his people's opinion. I know Bush has access to information we do not, but too much of it has been proven false - undermining his credibility. I don't view elections as a formality - I view them as representation. A leader's responsibility to accurately represent his people should not end after being sworn-in. For that reason, it's important that the protests continue - send the message to the President (not the soldiers) that it is NOT okay to ignore the people's wishes. It is contrary to what the U.S. is all about.

And these comparisons to Hitler...*sigh*...I just don't see the correlation. Hussein was not amassing enough power to ever compare to Hitler - hasn't even made threats to another country for 12 years. It's just not the same thing...unless you're paranoid.

PS - I'm SO thankful you see Bush's faults! We DO agree on that.