On December the 30th, 2001, thirty American bombs hit the village of Niazi Kala, Afghanistan, and slay some one hundred locals. That was just one of the glorious feats of American arms during the epic war of Afghanistan. It was worth the pain: eventually, the war brought to that country for the first time in its history, a president who is, in the same time, an employee from the oil company Unocal.
Now pals, you thought you would never see anything as exciting, didn`t you? Wrong! Just check the last two weeks: a bus full of Syrians is hit by an American missile (not only they missed the aim, they missed the COUNTRY they were supposed to fight). Then those sixty terrorists (men, women, children) blasted in one hit, in the market of Baghdad (the market of Baghdad, just like in 1001 Nights – it`s so exciting!!!). And now, the bus in Nayef, where seven wogs, all females and cubs, were defeated by allied troops in a short and glorious battle. This time it was nothing as impersonal as a bomb,or a missile; this time it was the old, good “easy trigger” amusement against an unarmed target. I bet the soldiers enjoyed an exciting experience. I bet shooting real bullets at real children is much better than any video game.
Now, there is a thing I don`t understand. Why did the allied army put the blame at first on those wicked Saddam thugs? I admire the Saxon idea of “fair play” but, well, if you have earned glory and deserve admiration, just enjoy it, don`t need to offer it to your enemy. Imagine! American troops aren`t being able to even conquer Bassora, but they were able to grab seven women and children, and transform them into some sort of Iraki giant pizza. That`s what I call bravery.
Has Bush said anything about honouring them with the Congress medal?
Heil Bush! SIEG HEIL!!!!