Bush' war is illegal. The UN are supposed to create international agrements and lead legality. The reason US&allies pretend to have, to bomb Iraq is that Sadam doesn't follow UN Resolution 1441 but then, they also break UN will because they know they won't have enough pro-war votes. Nice example of democracy, when you know you can't win legally, break the rules and go on your own. France, Germany and Russia could use their right to veto but there weren't alone, there were lots of other countries against this war.

Violence generates more violence. Bush is a christian who names God in a lot of his discourses, but follows the “An eye for an eye” philosophy. How many enemies the US and allies are gaining because of their aggression policy? Why are there 1st and 2nd class civilian deads? We could show some empathy for the iraqi people, who are dying as I write this. Yesterday at least 65 dead and 100 wounded in a fruit and vegetables market, the second bombing in a market in two days. No water and power supply in Basora, people are beginning to die from dehydratation. Is this the price we want to pay to get Sadam? I don't agree with the “greedy” leaders of our world, the “war business” is just disgusting.

Recent surveys say up to 91% Spanish population are against war. Isn't it a very high percentage to jugde us all as radical leftists? Sure, anti-system groups are represented when more than a million people demonstrate in Madrid against war but they're a minority. Yes, Spanish left is anti-war, catholic Spain (a lot of right wingers in Spain) is supposed to hear and follow the Pope (anti-war too). Anyway, some FoxNews anchors make Franco's followers look like extreme leftists.