Within the last few hours, the U.S. military found a chemical plant in Iraq. It was secreted with sand cast camouflage. At this point, nobody is positive as to what chemicals they have found, but tests will begin as soon as the area is totally secured.

If this is in fact chemicals associated with chemical weapons, and clearly proves that Iraq did in fact violate the UN accords, how many of you who have taken "anti-war" stances, and said you did because we lacked "proof" that Iraq was violating the accords will come over to our side, and admit that the question of force asked by the U.S., Spain, and the UK, was justified?

Or... will you continue to offer the "anti-war" sentiment, even though the bubble of your defense for us not being there has been burst?

It's a fair question, and I believe it should be answered.

I'll wait, somewhat patiently......
