Most Spaniards are against this war. The percentage could be 80-90%. In fact, Fernando, you're the only Spaniard I know (besides PP politicians) who is pro-war. So I wouldn't applaude Aznar or any president who is deaf to the will of his people (people he should be representing, those who voted him and democratically elected him). More than 4 million Spaniards have demonstrated against the war on the streets these days and he doesn't seem to care.

This war seems to many of us not only illegal (war hasn't been aproved by the UN) but also inmoral (I'd like to live in a country that doesn't change innocent lives for economical benefits). Just calling it “Operation Iraqui Freedom” is as demagogic as it gets, freedom for whom, Shell, Exxon, BP, ...? Or freedom to have a geostrategical position in the Middle East? Ronald Rumsfeld has forgotten very quickly how he shook hands with Sadam during Iran-Iraq war and aided him with biological weapons. But, of course, these WMD were “the good ones”, weren't they?

Let's hope we'll see them all (Bush, Blair, puppet Aznar and Sadam) judged for their crimes in an International Court in the future.