Hi, Wolf --

A tiny percentage of the world's millions of peace protesters gets out of hand, and you think that discredits the entire cause? Are you personally responsible for every act carried out by people with whom share common causes?

Are we certain that President Aznar doesn't speak for the majority of Spaniards? I don't know if that's correct or not. From what I've gathered, even though I'm not certain, the polls that indicate 80% of the Spanish population is against his stand has been derived through radically disposed groups
Opinion polls are always an iffy proposition, but 80% may be close to the mark. Think about it: most liberals (in the American sense of the word) will oppose the war, while the right wingers (Opus Dei and less extreme variations) will side with the Pope, who is against the war. A lot of politically moderate Catholics who don't feel strongly one way or the other on the war may also side with the Church. That leaves mostly secular conservatives, who are numerous, and some of those will probably be for and others against. In any case, I think it's a safe bet that most Spaniards are against the war, even if it's not 80%.