
Last night a small measure of retribution was visited on an al-Qaeda training camp in northern Iraq, which has been protected by Iraqi Republican Guards. They were hit with cruise missles. It's another step towards ridding the earth of these cockroaches. It may not be much, but each time a few of these terrorists get a chance to meet Allah up close and personal, it's a win for everyone. It's also a message to those who don't realize it that al-Qaeda has operated freely within Iraqi borders, and one of the reasons we've taken the actions we have.


The wrath of the Muslim nation? Jihad? So we should back down, and kiss their ... whatever? Is that how the world should handle the threat of terrorism? We should just keep accepting the murders of innocent people because if we don't, "Osama bin Laden, or some other Muslim zealot is going to get us?"

I'm sorry. That's not an acceptable alternative. The time is at hand where the U.S. and it's allies are showing the world that "Anyone who harbors terrorists, aids them, or supports them, is going to pay the price."

There's an old adage, well worth remembering. I think it applies to those of us who enjoy the fruits of American and Spanish independence.

"A brave man/woman only dies once, but a coward dies a thousand deaths."

It a good adage, and well worth remembering.
