I wouldn't play it by ear. It can be very time consuming to call ahead to try to make new reservations on short notice because you decided to stay longer in a town. Or just showing up in the next town and spend hours looking for a place to stay.

Fortunetly your itinerary is very well suited to your time frame. Granada-Ronda-Bolonia-Cadiz-Sevilla in about 9 days seems like plenty of time to see all you'll want to see. I'd give 2 days each to Granada and Ronda and 2-3 days in Sevilla. This leaves 1 day in Bolonia and 1-2 days in Cadiz. With a firm itinerary and firm reservations you will be free to relax and enjoy every moment in each town.

If you would like to enjoy some very good flamenco in Granada or Sevilla I can give you some suggestions.