OK, First let me say that normally I am a big fan of cheesy spanish pop music (mainly for nostalgic reasons), but Asereje? Come on! When I returned to Spain for two weeks this summer I was innundated with this song everywhere I turned, I really think spanish pop music has sunken to a new low- and when you consider that last spring/summer's hot song was Papa Levante's "Me pongo Colorada", you can begin to realize how low that is. Las Krap has simply taken Papa Levante's look (check out their stage show and horrible dance moves - they look awfully similiar), and stolen one of the first hip hop songs and massacred it with their terrible pronunciation!!

I could understand how the people of Spain could get caught up in the Las Krapchup (mainly the large amount of alcohol consumption and very little sleep), but dammit, I expect more out of my countrymen.

First I had to accept the fact that American Idol was a big hit in America, and now this!! Of all the wonderful things from spain we could of had imported to this country - the wine, flamenco, tapas, the women, SIESTAS - and we end up with Asereje.

Some Luck.