I´m sure it sounds as if I´m boasting... and maybe I am just a little bit proud, but I was happily interviewed at the offices of Madridiaro.es on Monday and you can read the (short) interview with photos (one horrible) HERE .

Then if THAT wasn´t enough, I was called yesterday to come to the studios of TeleMadrid for a radio interview! I was so excited and nervous but it went more or less well. Luckily, my ladyfriend was there for a couple sticky questions which I didn´t totally understand. But it was an honor to be invited.

So that´s that! Hope you don´t all think I´m blowing my horn too loudly. I would´ve told you all before about the live radio interview today but I was in the small villages of Valladolid and didn´t have computer access or you could´ve listed to it live via the internet. What a shame. Oh well. It only lasted about 10 minutes, but was fun.

After today´s interview, I got to tour the radio station of Radio Nacional de España as well as the television studios of TVE (Televisión Española). It was an exciting day!

Saludos to all and will see some of you tomorrow night at El Brillante!!!! (going to Cafe de las Chinitas tonight for flamenco!)

Saludos, MadridMan

[ 12-29-2001: Message edited by: MadridMan ]
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