What is the story behind La Violeta and where is the store located?

How many Corte Inglés stores are there in the city?

How does one get from Sol to the Prado Museum to the Royal Palace by metro?

How many different kinds of turrón can you name?

On the average, how much does a kilo of turrón cost?

What are the operating hours of the Cathedral?

What is the name of the painting that is located in that famous painter's house?

The University of Seville sits at the crossroads of which two streets?

What is the most important festival in Seville and when is it celebrated? (I suppose it's a toss up between Semana Santa and La Feria de Abril)

What is the name of the river that runs through the city?

What major international event was held in Seville within the last 15 years. (The 1992 Expo)

What is the name of the regional dance?

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